Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I am not one to push products, and I was the first person to say I would put any products in my body that I could not keep up with on a consistent basis.  Well, times have changed, and my mind has too. 

We are an active society, and we are always trying to find way to keep ourselves healthy and active at every turn.  The problem is the more active we become the less likely we are to keep up with our diet.  There are plenty of reasons and choices on every corner to distract us and give us an easy and fast way to our nutrition.

But I ask you is it an easy way or is is it a faster way to more problems? 

If you leave you home and go to any store that sells nutritional products, and there are a lot of them, you will find an abundance of options and all of them will say basically the same thing -  that they are the best or it gives you the most for your money. Really, at some point you have to do was best for you regardless of cost of regardless of what the product/or rep says.  When you are looking for a product, there are a couple things that you have to consider. 

For me the first thing is WHAT is in the product that will benefit me long term and short term. 

Second thing is it all natural?  Is it gluten free? 

Will it help me with energy level (naturally) and truly replace what I may miss in a meal.  I do not and will never advocate skipping meals neither will you ever hear me to suggest that you actually replace a meal with a QUALITY  meal replacement. 

The truth is you should do the best you can to eat a well balanced diet, (fruits, vegetables and complex carbs).  Is it hard or difficult to do, YES, absolutely.  I always say, don't wish it was easy wish you were better.  How, make better choices and commit to those choices.  Remember you have to do whats best for you. 

For me Shakeology is that product hands down.  The benefits are to numerous to list, and that is for a later post.  Lets just say that it has everything you need if you need probiotics (to cleanse you daily) antioxidants (to help fight the harmful illness and diseases in the body) protein and amino (build blocks to help promote muscle growth) to name a few. 

Most of us, myself included, want the cheapest way to end or finish line.  Fast will not last.  The short cut will cost you more in the long run.  Remember the best way to reduce your health care cost to do your research.  Don't go the cheap way go the best way.... Shakeology anyone?

If you want to know more about Shakeology, contact me or Ryan or visit our website:


Monday, July 30, 2012


Happiness is something that everyone deserves have in their life however unless you take that first step you will never achieve happiness.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


The most important discover a person can make is the discovery of oneself. Take the time to relax and think about the things that are important to you and how it can make you better. Prioritize and act today because putting things off will not make things less meaningful...DSDQ

Friday, July 27, 2012

Note to self

I know you.  I know who you are and where you come from.  I know that in order for my future to exceed my expectations I must let go of the things that hold me back and the things that keep me from living up to my potential.  In order for me to defy the odds I must change what I do for me and only me.  I must break free of my depression and say to myself that, "THIS ENDS HERE AND NOW".  Nobody said it would be easy.  Nobody has volunteered to do anything for me.  I am MY shield.  I am MY protector.  Nobody will claim what is mine.  Nobody will hold me back.  If anyone stands in my path I will go through them and not around them.  I will never look back because it will be part of my past.  Instead I will look ahead and be bold, fearless and stronger for those who choose to follow in my footsteps.  Am I perfect, No!  Am I claiming to know everything, No!  Who am I to make such a bold statement and take such a bold stance?  I am the new person I always knew I could be.  The difference between yesterday and today is simple. The reason(s) I am stronger now is obvious.  What is it? I finally stop giving to others and started giving to me.  I finally said, I do matter and I deserve everything I want but now I will earn it and I will own it.  I will be heard and remembered and most importantly, I WANT TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE.  DSDQ!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It won't come to you

The things you want and that are worth having will not come to you.  You have to go get them.  There are times when we get so consumed with making these huge goals and think in the long (which is okay) but we fell to understand that we have to put the work in.  Just because the goal is set or the plan is in place that does not mean that your job/work is done.  You have to work for it.  You have to earn it.  You have to live and breath it daily.  Keep in mind that there will be good days and bad ones.  The good days are easy to get through but don't neglect or forget about the bad days.  Those are the crucial moments when you get "IT".  The message or the one thing that you push you over the hump and get you over the hill.  Don't get complacent and don't be negative.  Being complacent will only give you a false since of security and being negative, we all know how that works.  You will give up or say I can't or even worse I quit.  Remember the house rules, adopt them as your own, Don't Stop Don't Quit.  If its worth having you will go for it because it will not come to you

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blame game

Don't blame someone else for your problems.  FIX them instead.  Playing that blame game will only make you more frustrated. When you point a finger at someone else there is usually three of them pointing back at you...DSDQ

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


In order to achieve the success of the people you look you to you have to be willing to do things that you normally would shy away from.  You have to be willing to take the blame for all of you failures and understand that it's not the end.  Lastly, BELIEVE in YOU.  Turn your WISH LIST into a DONE/COMPLETE LIST.  DSDQ

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Instead of wondering and dwelling on our mistakes I believe we should learn from them and show others how not to make the same ones.  Mistakes are part of our past and the past should be left behind.  I am reminded by my children that we are constantly learning and evolving no matter how old we get.  As I approach my next birthday I am already planning on making the next year better.  I will be wiser.  I will not doubt myself.  I will be a better husband and father.  Why am I writing this...  I will learn from my mistakes and not dwell on them as I did this past year.  Once it's done let it be.  Whenever an opportunity comes I will rise to the occasion and not make the same mistakes.  You should do the same.  DSDQ

Friday, July 20, 2012


Greatness is not believed it's ACHIEVED!! How? Only through hard work, dedication and commitment can this done. DSDQ
The way to succeed is to do things that either others won't do or walk away from because it's hard or difficult.  From this point on (July 19, 2012) you will be measured (not judged) by what you accomplish and not by what or where you fall short.  Yesterday is gone.  Learn from the past but don't dwell on it.  DSDQ!

Freedom of choice

So many lives are changing around us daily.  Take the time to recognized those putting in the effort and the work.  It is not easy.  We are granted so few things in life.  One thing that you must not take for granted is the freedom of choice.  We make the choice in life to either accept things as they are or choose to make a change(s). DSDQ!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Moving forward

The way to succeed is to do things that either others won't do or walk away from because it's hard or difficult.  From this point on (July 19, 2012) you will be measured (not judged) by what you accomplish and not by what or where you fall short.  Yesterday is gone.  Learn from the past but don't dwell on it.  DSDQ!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chunky Banana Oatmeal Bread Recipe

I received this recipe from a friend that did Weight Watchers a while ago.  It tastes good.


Weight Watchers Recipe - 10 servings, 5 points each

Course: desserts
PointsPlus Value: 5
Servings: 10
Prep Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 50 min
Level of difficulty: moderate

This nutritious bread is easy to mix and will make the whole house smell wonderful!  You may add some cinnamon or different spices to "Spice it up."


1 1/4 cup   all purpose flour
1/2 cup      unpacked brown sugar
1/2 tsp       table salt
1/2 tsp       baking soda
1/4 tsp       baking powder
3 tsp          canola oil
1 large       egg, beaten
2 large       egg whites, beaten
3 large       bananas, ripe
1 cup         uncooked old fashioned oats

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, stir together dry ingredients. Add oil and eggs; mix thoroughly.
  • In a small bowl, mash bananas with a potato masher or fork. Add bananas and oatmeal to batter.
  • Spray a loaf pan with cooking spray. Pour batter into pan and bake until top of loaf is firm to touch, 45 to 55 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool in pan for 5 minutes. Flip out and cool on a wire rack for another 10 minutes.


Having the right place, the right equipment and the right routine will only get you started. Having the right mindset and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals is crucial for the long haul. DSDQ

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Your are strong because of what you have to do and not because of what you do. Be vigilant and stay on the path you have chosen until you decide to get off or you are done. DSDQ

Monday, July 16, 2012


Sometimes you have to make your own way regardless if anyone is going to stand behind you or not. Character is built in the midst of adversity and not when you are comfortable. Make it happen and don't wish it would happen. DSDQ

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Never settle

We create the world we live in. Never settle for what's given to you. If you want more you have to give more and settle for nothing. DSDQ!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Power of the Mind

The body will follow where the mind takes it. The power of the mind is powerful. Embrace it and your world will never be the same. DSDQ!

Friday, July 6, 2012


When all else fails you and you think you are alone we all have a tendency of retreating to the darkness. I say don't. Stay in the light were others can see and you can find peace. Slip but get back up. Fall but don't stay down. Question but never doubt. DSDQ

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Your struggles will become your success. Your battles will become your victories. Your accomplishments will become stories of legend and rules to live be. What is this? It's you when your work is finished. Are you working or are you thinking about working? DSDQ

Standing out

For those of you who stand out from others always remember with praise comes criticism. Your reasons for doing what you do are just that your reasons. Trust in the end it is worth it. DSDQ

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Accepting some things as they are does not mean that you are settling for something or giving in.  It means that you acknowledge them and make a decision based on what you know to be true versus what you wish to be true.  Change will not happen til you do this first. DSDQ!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

If Anyone Questions You or Who You Are

"If anyone questions you or who you are let that be an opportunity to define who you are with more clarity. It may sound negative to you at first ; it may even shake your foundation and what you stand for. Every moment questioned is the time to define your moment."

~ D'Allen Pretlow, Bring It Fitness

Sunday, July 1, 2012

You're Really Gonna Eat That?

Here are more frightening nutritional figures, from the Calorie King web site, about fat and calories in food that can be found at amusement parks, fairs, festivals, and carnivals:

Deep Fried Twinkie

Fried Snickers (5 oz.): 444 calories and 29 grams (g) fat
Fried Twinkie (2 oz.): 420 calories/34 g fat
Funnel cake (1): 760 calories/44 g fat
Twinkie Dog Sundae: 500 calories/14 g fat
Cotton candy: 171 calories/0 fat
Fried cheesecake (6 oz.): 655 calories/47 g fat
Foot-long hot dog and bun: 470 calories/26 g fat
Giant turkey leg: 1,136 calories/54 g fat

Eating these foods and more like them at a fair or carnival can wreak havoc on your waistline because they contain hundreds, sometimes thousands of calories and more than 10 grams of fat. If you participate in no exercise activities, it really is not a good idea to eat these foods AT ALL because you're not doing anything to get rid of them or work them off. Thus, OBESITY & OVERWEIGHT kick in.

I'm a Beachbody Coach. I'm not a dietician or medical expert, but I know what is good for my body and what isn't. And that is pretty universal. What is not good for my body is most likely not good for yours.  But exercise IS good! And especially FREE exercise.  Contact me and I can tell you how to experience some of Beachbody's most famous workout programs for FREE!  http://beachbodycoach.com/mochayaya.